Sunday, January 12, 2014


Do you have a big water tank in your house, where you mostly use it to fill the tap water? If you did, then you must be very pissed off, when you forgot to turn off the tap and the water spill out from the water tank occasionally…
Well, don’t mad about yourself, as you’ve a better solution for it! In this case, you can build a highly sensitive water level sensor. For your information, water level sensor is being used to detect liquid level, as the liquid to be measured either can be inside a container/water tank or can be in its natural form.
Basically, it has two different measurements: Continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors are normally measure level within a specified range, especially it related with the exact amount of liquid in a certain place. In other hand, Point level sensors only measures a specific level, and it’s used to detect high level or low level alarms!
It’s quite an easy project, where there are very few electronic components being used here. You only need an PIC12F683, two resistors (one 100 ohm and one 10K ohm), a 0.1uF capacitor, a HCM1206X buzzer and 4.5V batteries. Then, you only have to put all the things together and you’re done with it!

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